• @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Wow, so still a complete asshole.

    Hundreds of people die skiing worldwide each year. Skiing is vastly more dangerous than ice hockey, a sport where people with blades on their feet fight each other.

    And that’s not mentioning the hundreds of thousands of injuries.

    Skiing is not nearly as safe as you claim it is, so stop being such an asshole about it.

    • @Coreidan
      -11 year ago

      I am all for saying XYZ is dangerous but at least give a compelling example. Someone using zero judgement isn’t a good example.

      Otherwise next you’ll claim that using a wheel chair is dangerous because one time your friend died because they tried to jump the Grand Canyon.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        600 deaths and 600,000 injuries a year as a result of a sport a small minority of people take part in. Skiing is not as safe as you claim.

        And you’re still a colossal asshole.

        • @Coreidan
          -11 year ago

          Everyone is an asshole. Woopty dooo.

          You can pull out all the statistics you want but nothing will change the fact that your buddy is dead because they decided to do something more dangerous than the actual sport.

          It’s really easy to say skiing is dangerous. But you can’t just admit that your friend died being reckless, not because skiing is “dangerous”.

          Sounds like you’re just another asshole on lemmy. Grats.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            She was not being reckless, she missed a turn and ended up falling into a pit where she couldn’t stop and hit a tree.

            Skiing is not as safe as you claim it is.

            And no, you’re a special kind of asshole, because you flippantly discount someone’s death due to an accident, because you can’t accept your precious sport isn’t as perfectly safe as you think it is.

            • @Coreidan
              1 year ago

              It’s as dangerous as you want it to be. That’s the part your tiny brain cannot grasp.

              Some people suck terribly at risk management and clearly you’re in that category.

              She was not being reckless, she missed a turn and ended up falling into a pit where she couldn’t stop and hit a tree.

              Sounds reckless to me. But then again you don’t understand risk management.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                You don’t understand accidents. A sudden unexpected ice patch can send someone down hard. A build-up of soft snow without good support underneath can create an invisible pit that can be fallen into.

                I skied and snowboarded for over a decade, and was considered quite good, and the only reason I don’t do it these days is I don’t live near a hill.

                But I am smart enough to acknowledge there are plenty of risks, and it is possible to get seriously injured or die as a result of the sport even if you work hard to eliminate those risks.

                You’re stupid statement that it’s perfectly safe is the exact idiotic statement that gets people killed, because it makes it sound like there is no risk.

                • @Coreidan
                  11 year ago

                  “Perfectly safe”. So you’re just going to fabricate lies to win some dumb argument? Considering I never said that it just means you’re lying.

                  Usually when someone needs to bring hyperbole to an argument it means they lost.

                  You keep pretending your friends death was some freak accident that couldn’t have been avoided instead of just accepting that if they executed better judgement they’d still be alive.

                  If you have even half the experience you claim you have you would know there is absolutely no reason to be moving at fatal speeds without ignoring the blatant danger. That’s a choice not an accident.

                  People don’t just fall over and die skiing as if they got struck by lightening.

                  You know who make up the majority of skiing accidents? That’s right, people who ignore danger signs, and ski off main trails for the thrills, and end up getting stuck under an avalanche, or the other million things that can kill you when you’re not skiing on main trails. That’s not normal skiing; that’s high risk activity and it’s what contributes to the majority of the statistics you’re firing off without understanding them.

                  If you’re doing the right thing there is no reason to get wrapped around a tree unless you’re skiing in a place you shouldn’t be.

                  • @[email protected]
                    01 year ago

                    You keep pretending your friends death was some freak acciden

                    It was.

                    no reason to be moving at fatal speeds

                    5 MPH is a fatal speed if you fall wrong. Any speed above pizza on bunny hill can be fatal. How are you too daft to understand that?

                    That’s not normal skiing

                    Still doesn’t account for the over 100 people a year who die from actually normal skiing.

                    no reason to get wrapped around a tree

                    There are other ways to die skiing.

                    God, you’re blind.