Mileage is tough since it requires implementing a tracking system on everyone’s cars. I think the way to go is to keep and even increase the gas tax, and as revenues decline due to the shift away from gas cars steadily increase these weight taxes however much is required to compensate.
We probably need to change from a gas tax to a function of weight and milage.
Mileage is tough since it requires implementing a tracking system on everyone’s cars. I think the way to go is to keep and even increase the gas tax, and as revenues decline due to the shift away from gas cars steadily increase these weight taxes however much is required to compensate.
Instead of tracking, could rely on the annual vehicle inspection reported mileage to determine the road usage tax.
It’s still subject to corruption (pay off inspector to report a much lower mileage than actual), but much better than installing tracking junk.
Can you not just track through annual insurance renewal?
Lol I don’t own a car and have no idea. Seems like self reporting might have some issues.