Martin Scorsese has released his newest flim starring Robert De Niro, Leonardo Di Caprio and Lily Gladstone. If you have watched it you may discuss it here.

  • StrikerOP
    411 months ago

    My thoughts: Personally, a gripe I had with this movie is that I felt it was miscast. It felt like he was playing a very typical Di Caprio role as Ernest Burkhart which at this point it feels like he’s a bit old to be playing. I felt like Leo would of been much more interesting in this movie if he was cast as Hale tbh. The role of Ernest Burkhart should of gone to someone much younger in my opinion.

    The cinematography is superb and I like the touch of the town slowly getting more modern looking over the course of the film. Lily Gladstone is great in this movie and really makes you feel her characters trauma.

    Despite being 3 hours though I felt this was paced much to quickly. Everything moves very quickly and it’s like you don’t get to experience what the characters are experiencing. It just keeps going on to the next thing. The events that this movie are based off of are complex and convulated, they would be much more suited to a 10 episode ministries rather than a movie.

    I won’t give away the ending but I didn’t like it. I felt like there’s better ways they could of rapped this movie up than what they went with.
