• @Coreidan
    11 year ago

    You want me to explain some statistic you’re pulling out of your ass? Wow you really got me there chief.

    Explain how someone misses a turn and speeds off a cliff out of control into a tree if they are skiing on a groomed trail without doing something wrong? Your bullshit story doesn’t add up.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      When did I say cliff? I said the snow built up near the trees creating a pit that could be fallen into. They missed a turn and fell into said pit.

      Do you honestly not know of treeside pits in snow? They are very common, and actually quite dangerous.

      And a simple web search will turn up those statistics for you.

      • @Coreidan
        11 year ago

        Again how do you miss a turn on a groomed trail?

        Sounds like you just don’t want to admit she was on a hill she couldn’t handle or was going too fast due to inexperience.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Lose control.

          Also if someone inexperienced tries to play basketball too fast or hard the chances of death are virtually zero.

          Not the case for skiing.

          Skiing is not as safe as you claim.

          I don’t know why you won’t stop. Hundreds of people die each year, more than just about any other sport.

          • @Coreidan
            1 year ago

            Simple google search returns:

            There were 27 deaths in 2012-2013 (a rate of . 47 fatalities per million skier visits), rising to 39 deaths in 2015-2016 (. 74 fatalities per million visits), 42 in 2018-2019 (a rate of . 71 per million), up to 57 deaths last year.

            WOW dawg you totally got me. Skiing is soooo dangerous that a whopping 57 people die a year skiing. That’s out of a million skiers. Majority of which died NOT on groomed trails but from avalanches, and skiing in dangerous areas. More people choke to death a year than skiing accidents.

            Experts emphasize that ski and snowboard deaths remain a rarity

            Ya skiing is pretty damn safe as long as your aren’t doing dumb shit. The statistics prove it. Freak accidents happen but they can happen any where any time in any sport or activity. Using a freak accident to claim an entire sport is dangerous is nonsense.

            So far you’ve been trying to convince me that skiing is unsafe but so far you’ve failed spectacularly. You are wrong and won’t admit it.

            Just admit it your friend was being careless, which contributes to the vast majority of ski deaths annually.

            • @[email protected]
              01 year ago

              That’s the numbers for the US only. Worldwide its 600.

              More people eat each year than ski.

              Way more people play basketball, and lots of people do dumb shit and play recklessly, but I can’t find a single death as a result of playing basketball in my searches. Not even due to freak accidents.

              Skiing is perfectly safe if you just use bunny hills, and ski really slowly. Anything else comes with a small, but real chance of dying.

              • @Coreidan
                11 year ago

                World wide only means an even larger sample. That’s a small amount of deaths per year if that’s world wide.

                Stick to groomed trails and slow the fuck down. The chances of dying are minuscule unless you start doing dumb shit. The statistics back it up.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  And if you look back at all my posts I never once said skiing was dangerous, I just said accident though rare due happen, and people do die.

                  Prospective skiers and new skiers need to be aware of this to keep them safe, and pretending accidents don’t happen, or only happen if you’re “reckless” is not true and just puts these people in danger.

                  • @Coreidan
                    11 year ago

                    No but you spent the entire time saying “skiing isn’t as safe as you claim it to be”.

                    Well I am claiming that skiing is pretty damn safe as long as you aren’t being reckless.

                    The statistics prove it.