A joint military and police force killed the five fighters from the West Papua Liberation Army, the armed wing of the Free Papua Movement, in a battle on Saturday with dozens of rebels armed with military-grade weapons and arrows in the hilly Serambakon village in Papua Highland province, said Faizal Ramadhani, a national police member who heads the joint security force.

Security forces seized two assault rifles, a pistol, several arrows, two mobile phones, cash, more than 300 rounds of ammunition and a “morning star” flag — a separatist symbol — after the clash, Mr Ramadhani said.

Sebby Sambom, a spokesman for the liberation army, confirmed the police claim but said that losing five fighters “would not make us surrender”.

“They were the national heroes of the Papuan people,” Mr Sambom said in a statement provided to The Associated Press on Monday.

  • @boywar3
    27 months ago

    I will warn(?) you, it’s an eclectic channel lol

    A comedian who does silly skits about Australia (complete with cheap wigs and accents), who also does hard-hitting journalism about Australia and its corruption to the point of having his house firebombed by “someone.”

    • livusOP
      17 months ago

      @boywar3 thanks, that’s interesting. I will have to watch more. Crazy about the firebomb. I did wonder when I noticed some people in the comments referring to potential attackers!

      Comedians and hard-hitting journalism is shaping up to be a bit of a phenomenon. E.g. I really like John Oliver’s show.