While not quite Arduino, I have an ESP32 (Arduino IDE) project to pull tide data via API and show it on a HUB75 led matrix. I’ve got most of the parts working separately but not quite got them all together yet. What is everyone else doing?

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    I might be a little late to this thread. I’m currently working on two robots, the first one is a hexapod that I’m rebuilding and reprogramming, using a teensy 4.0, while not technically an arduino it uses the arduino ide so I’ll count it. The second one is a smaller autonomous rover with a lidar, it uses a raspberry pi 4b as the brains and has an arduino nano to move the motors and take movement commands. It runs on ros, and I can now click on a map in rviz to have it move there. Currently working on pathing. The plan is to move the lidar to the hexapod once I’m done with the rover and the hexapod.

    • @RandomUserOP
      12 years ago

      Sounds an excellent project. Will you put it on GitHub or publish elsewhere? What battery life are you looking at with a 4b and all the mechatronics?