“Im Rausch des Orgasmus” is a famous, now vintage, porn series with acclaimed German porn actress Michaela Schaffrath under her stage name Gina Wild. It means something like “The buzz of orgasms”.
People in the US: Can speak English, sometimes Spanish
People in Germany: Can speak German, had Spanish & French in school, can understand most of dutch natively and have learned some Turkish from their friends
You speak English because it is the only language you know.
I speak English because it is the only language you know.
We are not the same.
Ich spreche Deutsch und Englisch weil du nicht Estnisch sprichst
Eesti keelt pole olemas
Siiski on sul õigus.
Im rauch des orgasmus
Empfehle den zweiten Teil. Die Story ist echt gut und Michaela spielt den Flohwalzer auf nem Klavier.
I have no idea what it actually means. When on an exchange program many years ago, a drunken Finn taught me that
“Im Rausch des Orgasmus” is a famous, now vintage, porn series with acclaimed German porn actress Michaela Schaffrath under her stage name Gina Wild. It means something like “The buzz of orgasms”.
Thanks for bringing context to this!
People in the US: Can speak English, sometimes Spanish
People in Germany: Can speak German, had Spanish & French in school, can understand most of dutch natively and have learned some Turkish from their friends
Ich hab Latein 💀
Also learning swedish on duolingo for fun
You forgot that they have English in school, too, sometimes starting in first grade already.
Most of the German tourists I see either didn’t or did their damnest to not learn :_)
I live 30km from the French border, had 10 years of French in school. I wouldn’t be able order bread.
Doch nicht allen! Es gibt Dutzende von uns. Dutzende!
Git gut.
It’s not matter of intelligence, it’s a matter of importance.
I prefer git rebase usually.
But you have to admit that git is good (gut).
Naja… Passt schon.
Soy bilingue :)