Antisemitic incidents in the United States rose by about 400% in slightly over two weeks since war broke out in the Middle East after Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, advocacy group Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said Wednesday. Read more at

  • @[email protected]
    01 year ago

    Got a source for the idea that most people like to be stepped on? I myself believe most people have more self respect than wanting to be ruled.

    Aside from the English. We seem to have a serious dom fetish.

    • diprount_tomato
      -61 year ago

      Yes, most people want someone that stops the guy they have in front of them from brutally killing them

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Three questions:

        1. Why is there a guy trying to kill you?

        2. Why is no one else helping?

        3. Why must it be a state, rather than any group of people?

        Answer them as honestly as you can. You may find your mind changing.

        • diprount_tomato
          -21 year ago

          1.because he wants my stuff

          2.because most people don’t want to take the risk

          3.because it is above people fighting each other. That guy could have called his gang and impose himself over the rest

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            1.because he wants my stuff

            Interesting. What stuff? Food, house, shiny car? Be more precise.

            If food or housing - why does he not already have access to these? This is allegedly an anarchist society, which would offer these things freely to people who need them. Why has this person not been given them? Your story is inconsistent.

            2.because most people don’t want to take the risk

            Are you sure about that? Do you have a source proving that most people don’t want to help people because of risk, inherently, as a part of human nature itself, rather than as a result of our hyper individualist and hierarchical society that operates on zero-sum rules - helping others means you lose something of your own.

            3.because it is above people fighting each other. That guy could have called his gang and impose himself over the rest

            A state is not “above people fighting each other”. States are the entities which enact the most violence in this world, and have been for all of history. States rely on violence - at the local level with police, to keep citizens in line, and on the world stage using wars to get what they want.

            You cannot say states are above violence with a straight face if you have any knowledge of history and society.


            • diprount_tomato
              1 year ago

              1.“If I make up an utopia he’d have whatever he likes”

              1. Yes, self-preservation is the most natural instinct

              2. if the state (that has been chosen by voters) uses violence against you, you might be worth the effort

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                1.“If I make up an utopia he’d have whatever he likes”

                Easy to say I “just made it up”. Try actually reading anarchist theory, please - this is directly in line with any libertarian socialist society. Now please acknowledge it instead of just saying I dreamed it after smoking pot, thanks.

                Why would he be trying to steal things from me that he already has? Answer this.

                2.Yes, self-preservation is the most natural instinct

                “The most natural instinct” is a complete hodgepodge of words. There is nothing that is “most natural”. If we are going to appeal to human nature, though, what about empathy and co-operation? Things we see crop up time and again when people are in times of crisis, or are left to their own devices. Humans are social, and this cannot be denied. Seeing others in pain triggers our empathic response to help. Not doing so simply means there are barriers to our helping them, like the aforementioned hyperindividualism and zero-sum economics.

                3.if the state (that has been chosen by voters) uses violence against you, you might be worth the effort

                Now you’re showing your true authoritarian colours. You simply agree with what the people with the most guns say. At the risk of falling into Godwin’s Law, you literally would side with Nazis if you lived in Nazi Germany and they came and took your neighbour away.

                Also - remember that you said the state “is above violence”? Because I do.

                • diprount_tomato
                  -31 year ago

                  1.You didn’t make it up, obviously. It was 19th century idealists that did

                  2.Self-preservation is literally what makes the world go round. Preys run from predators out of self-preservation, survival instincts exist out of self-preservation…

                  3.this is just full of slandering, strawmen and accusations

                  • @[email protected]
                    1 year ago

                    Again, please do your research. These were not idealists theorising out of thin air. These ideas have been put into practice, studied and expanded upon.

                    But you’re still not answering the question.

                    1. Why would he be robbing you for things he already has?
                    2. I can easily pluck examples of cooperation making the world go round, and in far greater numbers than selfish self preservation. Mutual aid is a factor of evolution; survival of the fittest operates on a species level, and species that cooperate survive better than those that don’t. Darwin himself noted this in his research.
                    3. Please point out the alleged slander, instead of just claiming it with no evidence.

                    You are not arguing in good faith. You are providing no reasoning, just statements. Give me one good reason not to block you right now for wasting my time.