I’m vividly aware of that second one, as an atheist. On social media I’ve seen posts by atheists who were once Muslim, they told such depressing stories of hiding, of trying to save up to move to Western Europe or North America. Gays too, and for them it’s even harder since all it takes is hungrily eyeing one cute guy by mistake for the game to be up as they prepare to run. And in college I once met a gay from Saudi Arabia who quietly deconverted (became an atheist) from Islam and later escaped to the US using that university (hopefully he has citizenship, a green card or something), I once overheard him talking about how scared he felt around followers of his former faith.
90% of Muslims in Muslim countries are theocratic, they literally want to kill Gays.
Average Islamism Apologists anyway.
Some believe it’s islamophobic to point out how the Middle East treats its queers. They’re strange.
I mean it is, gays have a Islamophobia because they don’t want to be killed. I think thats like arachnophobia…
A phobia is a fear after all.
Hey now, it’s not just LGBT. It’s also:
Women who don’t wear the right hats.
The wrong type of Muslims…
I’m vividly aware of that second one, as an atheist. On social media I’ve seen posts by atheists who were once Muslim, they told such depressing stories of hiding, of trying to save up to move to Western Europe or North America. Gays too, and for them it’s even harder since all it takes is hungrily eyeing one cute guy by mistake for the game to be up as they prepare to run. And in college I once met a gay from Saudi Arabia who quietly deconverted (became an atheist) from Islam and later escaped to the US using that university (hopefully he has citizenship, a green card or something), I once overheard him talking about how scared he felt around followers of his former faith.
Yeah I wish we’d drop the whole phobia thing and just call them bigots.
It makes them sound like a victim when in fact they are creating victims by being a giant piece of shit.
The Muslims would be the bigots in that case…
You cant call gays bigots for not wanting to be killed… And they aren’t the assholes in that situation either way.
Not all Muslims are homophobic.
Hating someone because of their religion while ignoring their personal beliefs/interpretation is bigoted.
Homophobic people are very clearly bigoted.