• TheHolm
    011 months ago

    Sorry. if it not prejudicial than it justified. How you justify one race over other?

    • @StorminNorman
      11 months ago

      Oh ffs. How are you not getting that it was to make the races equal because first nations people are well below the rest of us? I’ve met rocks smarter than you.

      • TheHolm
        011 months ago

        So you now claiming that they are inferior than other humans. 😱 So they need help to get to same level? Man, this it pure racism.

        • @StorminNorman
          111 months ago

          No, your English comprehension just sucks. Right now, the playing field isn’t level. First nations people are below everyone else in that regard. Do you understand now?

          • TheHolm
            111 months ago

            Quoting you.

            because first nations people are well below the rest of us? How you can interpreted this in any other way ? Why first nation need different treatment form any other disadvantaged group? ( This is exactly what was missing in SBS article you linked in other branch)

            • @StorminNorman
              111 months ago

              Yeah, and? Your English sucks. In context, most english speakers could infer what’s implied. You can’t. That’s on you, not me, mate.

              • TheHolm
                111 months ago

                I tend to disagree, you are not communicating clearly. As you can’t provide anything meaningful and been so useless. I’m done here. And just one last advice. Learn how to communicate, yelling, repeating same shit over and over again and insults does not help you or you cause. Good thing that some other guys step up and provide some useful comments, so I can’t just dismiss all “yes” voters as been same as you.

                • @StorminNorman
                  111 months ago

                  So, I don’t speak at a grade 5 level. Again, that’s on you, not me. Take some English classes or fuck off.