What are some communities you’ve subscribed to, even though there are only a handful of posts, hoping that it will one day be active?

  • vortic
    2 years ago

    So, if I search for https://kbin.social/m/Bestof I get no results. To do this, I went to “Communities” at the top of the page, then searched for that URL. I got this as a result:

    • TeaHands
      2 years ago

      For a second I was confused because searching it works fine for me, and we’re both on lemmy.world.

      But I think the difference is you’re trying to do it through the communities list whereas I went straight to the actual search page (as in https://lemmy.world/search, from the search icon in the header), so maybe give that a whirl?

      Idk why they’d be so different but I get tons of results including the magazine itself so 🤷‍♀️

      Edit: figured it out, when you search from the communities page it’s setting that dropdown (the one in your screenie under the “search” heading) to “communities”. Community search with that is broken atm and you have to use “all” instead, which is why it was working from one screen and not another. I think the broken community filter is one of the fixes listed in 0.18 🤞

    • anadem
      2 years ago

      That search finds Bestof… as in your post but there’s not “Subscribe” button so how do I add it to my subscribed communities? Sorry for teh ignorant Q, i’m ignorant

      Searching for [email protected] does the same (iirc the latter is the preferred way to get to a federated instance’s community, but I’m a noob so waht do i know?)