• @unfreeradical
    11 months ago

    Listen, clown, I will make the whole process as simple as possible, so that you can avoid further confusion.

    You believe that a Marxist is anyone who affirms that businesses exploit workers.

    A Marxist is not someone who affirms that businesses exploit workers.

    Your ignorance and bullishness are pathetic.

    You cannot learn, because you cannot discuss, and you cannot discuss, because you can only behave like a hotheaded buffoon.

    Now, troll elsewhere.

      • @unfreeradical
        11 months ago

        You don’t know the meaning of the term Marxist.

        You contribute nothing except ad hominem.

        You have no idea how stupid and weak you appear to anyone who even slightly understands the subjects who are failing to engage.

        Your are ignorant, arrogant, and pathetic.

        Fuck off, troll.

          • @unfreeradical
            111 months ago

            Are you the stupedist shithead who ever lived?

            If not, your impersonation is beyond brilliant.

              • @unfreeradical
                11 months ago

                I’m good.

                You, however, are quite deranged.

                You have revealed some rather unhinged obsessions.

                No one is trying “to control the conversation”, or to inflict “authority”.

                You just locked on to a bunch of paranoid and incogent delusions.

                Good luck with all of it.

                  • @unfreeradical
                    11 months ago

                    Nope. Sorry.

                    You’re wrong again, just as you have been in every other comment.

                    I am not angry, and I never called you stupid.

                    I have called you ignorant, arrogant, and pathetic, because such is certainly how you appear, based on your comments and behavior.

                    I also have emphasized that certain responses make you appear as a stupid shithead.

                    The observations are valid, due to how you have responded and behaved, as would be plain to anyone who has a modicum of understanding, or seeks to acquire any, over the terms and tactics you have chosen to invoke.

                    You also are so deeply confused to believe that any conversation is occurring.

                    No conversation has ever occurred between us. You rejected all the opportunities to hold a conversation. You have failed repeatedly to make even the remotest attempt to engage any subject for discussion.

                    All that is happening is your ranting delusive and paranoid bunk, making you appear, to anyone thoughtful, like a stupid shithead.

                    In turn, I am drawing attention to how stupid and shitty you are continuing to make yourself appear.