Recently made these animations of how the Perchance Engine transforms the Perchance Syntax to Randomly Generated Texts.
- Animation of the Perchance Welcome Page Lists
- Another from the Welcome Page
- One more from the Welcome Page
- Randomization Animation
These are made with using Motion Canvas. It is an open-source animation library that allows its users to ‘code’ their video. Feel free to check out the website to learn more about it.
These might be useful for visualizing how Perchance works.
Also, @[email protected], btw, feel free to use for stuff like this - to ensure that the stuff you make stays around forever. Same with imgur images in your tutorials - they’ve recently started deleting images under certain conditions, so I’ve updated all the relevant plugins (e.g. image layer combiner, background image, etc.) to recommend using instead, which will never delete content
Please do let me know if there are any problems with that make it less-than ideal (e.g. upload limits too low, UX, etc.) and I will fix ASAP