• @[email protected]
    -3911 months ago

    If Cuba started firing missiles at the US the whole place would be ash in hours, I don’t understand what people expect Israel to do when literally every other country on the planet would defend themselves.

    • @filister
      2111 months ago

      Respect human rights!

      • lom
        -811 months ago

        Against an enemy who killed 1200 civilians after they signed a ceasefire? Who puts their HQ under a hospital?

        The only way human rights can be respected in the future are when Hamas’ ugly face has been wiped off the earth

        • @merthyr1831
          11 months ago

          Israel kills thousands of palestinians every year, even during “ceasefires” but I guess they don’t count, right?

          The IDF also has its HQ near a hospital. Guess that’s also different, right? Though even that’s generous because despite the claims over the years I’ve yet to see definitive proof of militant Palestinians operating from within a hospital whatsoever, just Israeli claims.

          Or how about the bombing and massacres in the West Bank, where Hamas does NOT control the government? Or how about the fact most of the kids in Gaza are too young to remember the 2006 elections where Hamas was boosted by Israel to power? Or how Israel cut off Gaza’s borders on all sides, forcing civilians to build tunnels to run trade routes?

          None of this matters to you because you dont care about palestinians, you care about Israel having its god-given ethnostate.

          • @[email protected]
            -811 months ago

            The accusation that anyone who understands the difficult situation Israel faces is a Jewish fundamentalist is absurd, we might as well say anyone that supports Palestine is a Muslim fundamentalist that wants Sharia law worldwide.

            I’m not defending everything Israel has done but also I’m not dumb enough to think if the tables were reversed that Palestine would be smiling as Israel chucks rockets at it and saying ‘we don’t want to kill Israeli citizens so we’re not going to fire back’ we all know they’d have done what they often talk about and pushes the Jews into the sea.

            I don’t like the government of Israel but at least they care about their own citizens, Hamas are controlled by religious crazies like Iran who are more than happy to increase the suffering of their citizens just to create good propaganda - hence digging up water pipes to make rockets, stockpiling fuel underground while hospitals run dry, putting military facilities under schools and hospitals, blocking roads so civilians can’t flee combat zones, and endless more examples.

            • @merthyr1831
              511 months ago

              The fence sitters who think nothing happened before October 7th such as yourself love to use the terms “difficult” and “complex” and imply that Palestinians would love to return the inhumanity they faced to Jews, yet the reality is totally at odds with your fascist-apologia and false reality.

              Even the supposedly extremist and reckless Hamas acknowledges the “right” of Israel to exist, and in its own charter refutes the ideology of antisemitism in place of resisting the colonial regime of Israel. If anything, it’s rather naiive for Hamas to support the 1967 borders in full knowledge that Israel’s very existence is at odds with the rights of Palestinians to live in ““Jewish”” land.

              Palestine, both in Gaza and the West bank, are multi-racial, multi-faith societies that historically and now are orders of magnitude more tolerant to Christians, Jews, and otherwise non-religious foreigners than Israel, which restricts the rights of Christians, Ashkenazi Jews, Ethiopian Jews, and of course Muslims. How tolerant must your society be to allow Israelis to weld the doors to your home shut because you’re not allowed to walk on “Jewish only” streets in Hebron. How tolerant must you be to allow Israeli settlers to steal your home, yet still be made to condemn the people who fight to stop this blatant colonialism in fear of death?

              Israel, even towards its zionist citizens, does not “care” more than it sees them as tools for the destruction of Palestinians, muslims, and arabs, and thus support from Europe and USA in return. Netanyahu and the Israeli state supported the unprovoked violence against palestinians by settlers for months, despite explicit warnings from Egypt, UK, US, and even internal intelligence agencies about Hamas provocations. They suddenly stopped manning their own border wall, allowing Hamas to break through and refused to answer their citizen’s calls for help for SIX HOURS. When they DID turn up, they shot at Israelis and eachother. Israel even makes this policy with their Hannibal Doctrine, which encourages the State murder of hostages or potential hostages to prevent politically embarrassing prisoner exchanges. They’ve already killed at least 50 hostages and denied the return of 2 more because they’d prefer to ethnically cleans Gaza than stop the bombing.

              I won’t even bother answering to the rest of your claims because they’re all increasingly bullshit and partisan despite your claim to neutrality.

              Everything in your post is not only verifiably wrong, but ignorant to the real villain of the unfolding atrocities. Your own fence sitting exposes your real ideology of support for the genocidal and fascist regime cementing power in Israel. You will either have to bear the burden of supporting this holocaust or you will have to make excuses for it when the horrors you and other fence-sitting cowards have aided and abetted come to light - I have no respect for you. Get fucked.

        • @filister
          211 months ago

          Yes, definitely, Israelian lives matter more, of course. What are Arabs even doing, we should kill all of them, right, right? /S

        • @filister
          011 months ago

          I would argue that this is highly questionable. In times of war the truth is the first casualty.

    • @Womble
      1811 months ago

      most other countries dont keep an open air prison of millions of people on their doorstep and take potshots at journalists and children on the regular.

      • @[email protected]
        -411 months ago

        America blockaded Cuba without them killing any American civilians, yes Israel is in a fairly unique position but you’re kidding yourself if you think any other nation would react differently.

    • @WarlordSdocy
      1711 months ago

      I mean maybe not take actions that caused groups like this to gain power in the first place. Constantly bombing and attacking a place is a great way to empower groups like this in an area.

      • @[email protected]
        -411 months ago

        You mean Palestine shouldn’t fire bombs at Israel because that’s what gave right-wing hardliners like netanyahu mandate?

        Acting like this is one sided just isn’t reasonable, its a painfully complex situation.

        • ???
          611 months ago

          Stop reading Reuters, BBC, the UN, Amnesty, Jewish voices for peace, too? Lol.

          Aljazeera has problems but there are so many other news agencies calling Israel for what it really is?

          • @ours
            111 months ago

            I’m not siding with the other guy but Aljazeera is owned by Qatar and has that undeniable bias.

            While I’m aware the BBC has its own bias, I’ve found them somewhat objective (i.e. not labeling Hamas terrorists because that’s a judgment and such) and showing the horrors made by both sides.

            • ???
              211 months ago

              And Reuters? Jewish Voices for Peace? Etc?

    • @ours
      1111 months ago

      Your analogy doesn’t fit and ignores the particularities of the Palestine/Israel situation.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        The part where significant trade is blocked, the land dispute part, the viewed as hostile nation part, the part about attempting regime change, and the part about trying to prevent refugees from coming in all seem pretty similar. The only thing missing is an actual war…

        • @ours
          711 months ago

          I disagree. The US would have had to successfully invade Cuba (with the benediction of the international powers), displace its population to a couple of corners of Cuba while replacing them with Americans, and then continuously oppressing them. Oh and occasionally taking more bits of Cuban land for Americans.

          And that’s not even including the religious powderkeg the region represents for not one, not two but three major religions. It would take some extra mental gymnastics to claim the ownership of Cuba to “the chosen people” in the Old Testament.

            • @ours
              311 months ago

              Do you? The elements need to have shared elements to work.

        • @Womble
          311 months ago

          It’s vastly different, even at the height of the Cuban missile crisis the US wasn’t blockading Cuba to prevent food and medicine getting in.