Seems simple enough that with his gigantic frame and ability to anticipate spaces and opportunities, he’ll be expected to receive long balls from our centre backs and act as a sort of support striker. But it just never comes off for him.

    • @Gingerrific
      211 months ago

      Oh I’m sure someone would notice, but they may not say anything and just go on about their merry way!

      • @Olorandir
        111 months ago

        Would you have black jack and hookers too?

        I would like to add though, along with his frame he seems to have some of the fun/interesting body-ball control you don’t see consistently. The chest/shoulder knock-downs into a teammates path, or a pop-up over a defender. Which I think builds on what you’re saying. It’s great he can be targeted with his frame, but I think it’s bettered served when there are more players around him. That either being teammates to shift the ball to, or opposing players taken out of the move with a quick knock-down pass beyond them.

        • @Gingerrific
          211 months ago

          Of course, but I do I prefer poker TBO.

          I love his technical abilities, and I do believe that he will come good in time and fans just need to be patient.