I am an anarchist, so the idea of the community doing all the work, creating content, and then mods basically ruling over them as a reward, just doesn’t sit right with me.

We the users should collectively be in control of all our social media, economically and with regards of controling what goes on, on there.

All social media get’s its value from the users i.e. the network effect. However the users are subjected to a hierachical place where individuals in power act as tyrants.

We create the value we should be in charge.

Fellow Lemmings how can we create social media were the users are king/queen?

post Scriptum: just having a voting mechanism, might be gamed by unsavory charcters or groups to game such a system, unless voting requires your clear name id, which comes with other issues of course.

  • @BigBlackCockroachOP
    111 months ago

    If you want to discuss anarchy let’s do that on an anarchy subLemmy. This is not a political post, even though I mentioned my political leanings, for the sake of full disclosure.

    The question i am asking is technical: how to implement community self-governance.

    • Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
      211 months ago

      Still, I think you’re misundernderstaing what anarchy is. It is not the absence of people in positions of governance. It is the rejection of unwarranted/unjustified power positions. In that sense, if the community feels that a mod is something they want to, as other people have commented, keep the place clean, and as long as the mod can justify their work and what they do to the community, that is perfectly compatible with anarchism