But off the top of my head, among them would probably be the moment when I was casually skimming through a volume of an encyclopaedia reading up on precious metals. I learnt that gold is so malleable that 28.35 gm of it can be hammered into a sheet spanning 9.3 sq. metres. Or that the same quantity could be drawn out into a wire roughly 80 km long, and gold isn’t even the most ductile metal there is! Totally blew my mind.
Others would be the times I read up anything at all about astronomy. I’ve been fascinated by it since my childhood.
There are a lot. It’s hard to name just one.
But off the top of my head, among them would probably be the moment when I was casually skimming through a volume of an encyclopaedia reading up on precious metals. I learnt that gold is so malleable that 28.35 gm of it can be hammered into a sheet spanning 9.3 sq. metres. Or that the same quantity could be drawn out into a wire roughly 80 km long, and gold isn’t even the most ductile metal there is! Totally blew my mind.
Others would be the times I read up anything at all about astronomy. I’ve been fascinated by it since my childhood.