OCI images that you can turn into a full-fledged developer workstation shipping Devbox, Nix, Homebrew, devcontainers and DevPod with one command. Pretty swanky!

  • @netwren
    61 year ago


    The CNCF has a number of awesome projects that live up to FOSS values.

    • Oliver Lowe
      51 year ago

      CNCF projects themselves are indeed FOSS, but “the cloud” as it is most commonly interacted with, by tech workers, are enormous collections of closed-source systems run by Amazon, Google or Microsoft (all under antitrust investigation either now or in the past).

      • @netwren
        11 year ago

        Okay right but why would “cloud native” as the community’s marketing for it be considered a red flag. Someone who doesn’t know better would think oh “cloud native” Kubernetes is evil. When really the moniker mostly means it was designed to be highly scalable, to interface with public cloud API’s, among many other decisions that differentiate traditional enterprise I.T. software (which like Cisco products) could have its own fair share of “evilness” to be avoided.

        My point was that O.P. should clarify why that’s such an immediate red flag for them.

        To future readers I consistently use “cloud native” software on my bare metal computers at home. It’s mostly a marketing term to reflect “modern ness” in software features to be run on a public cloud.

        In my experience cloud native doesn’t mean it’s on Google, or Microsoft’s privacy stealing software because they’re marketing to you that you can host it yourself on the public cloud.

        • Oliver Lowe
          11 year ago

          I won’t speak for the OP, but yes it is a fair question about the automatic red-flag. There are characteristics of software described as cloud-native that are considered undesirable by some.

          These could range from things as high level as an objection to how projects are funded, down to things like distaste for code complexity required to support opaque HTTP APIs over standardised protocols.