• work is slow
    6111 months ago

    There’s a difference between justifications and reasons. I’m exhausted seeing people use the fact that atrocities are unjustified to hand wave away the reasons and circumstances that led to those atrocities.

    The massacring of innocents isn’t justified, but the reason it happened isn’t that people magically became evil. The reason is that enduring apartheid oppression pushes people to extremism.

    • Gormadt
      2811 months ago

      This right here

      So many people see you saying “these are the reasons X happened” as you supporting X happening.

      Just because you can see the reasons why something happened doesn’t mean you support whatever happened.

      • @not_that_guy05
        2611 months ago

        Which is exactly what the UN rep said and then was banned from Israel. They don’t want to ruining the narrative of being prosecuted for “no reason”. The UN has said multiple crimes that Israel have done things to fan the flames here.

      • @TommySalami
        1411 months ago

        It’s a skill issue. It’s takes intelligence to conceptualize an issue or idea without accepting it. Seems many people talking about Israel/Palestine (in terms of everyday people) just aren’t bright enough to break it down for themselves.

        The whole thing is a legit clusterfuck. Israel has been commiting war crimes against Palestinians for as long as I’ve been alive, and Palestine’s de facto government is a legit terrorist organization who has done some unforgivable things. In the middle you have everyday people suffering for no reason beyond being born in the “wrong” place, and being further radicalized by unconscionable IDF actions. There’s no good guy on either side (in terms of those capable of taking action on a collective scale), and that breaks the brains of some. People ignorantly want a cut and dry solution, and a bad side to rail against, much more than they want to actually understand the issue and it’s causes.

        • @assassin_aragorn
          411 months ago

          I tried to trace this conflict back through history to find a root cause, and I made it to the Russian revolution era without finding one.

          The Balfour Declaration was what started the specific conflict in the region, because the British wanted to grow their sphere of influence through a growing population of Jews there. The Zionists were response for terror attacks in the region for decades after the Declaration, and their motivation was the formation of a Jewish state.

          Tracing it back, that motivation was actually very pure at first. A Jewish intellectual in Europe concluded that Jewish people would not be respected or able to live in peace unless they had a country of their own. This was because of the persecution and pogroms European Jews faced. The belief was corrupted into radical terror over time.

          And it’s ironic since the Palestinians are in a similar situation because of Israelis. Europeans to Jewish people, Israelis to Palestinians. They just want safety and security. They all had/have the pure desire to live peaceful, safe lives with their families. And Jews and Palestinians all deserve to have that.