• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Also Republicans: “this violence is the result of us not beiing Christian enough as a nation”

    Also also Republicans: saying the above while being from a state in the union that’s both one of the most Christian and most violent in the nation.

    • @Son_of_dad
      4111 months ago

      American terrorists are Christians. No matter what evangelicals and other say. They’ll tell you about the terrorist, “he wasn’t a REAL Christian” but he was. Instead of fixing the cancer in their religion, Christians will brush away every bad person as “not real” so they can keep ignoring the problem.

      • @Not_Alec_Baldwin
        911 months ago

        The shooters are commiting the same sins that their church leaders commit. Pride, greed, wrath.

        I’ve heard “good Christians” hand wave their responsibility for bad behavior by saying things like “we’re all sinners” or “I’ll have to confess later!”

        I guess that latter one is Catholic, but it’s all the same.

        Religion was a necessary framework for transmitting moral knowledge in a time when people didn’t have a stable foundation. Centuries ago. It’s absurdly flawed and grows communities that are extremely vulnerable to corruption and radicalization.

        It’s time to move past religion.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          Catholicism’s rule is as long as you confess your sins you’re all good. You can be the worst human alive, but perfectly good in the Catholic god’s eyes so long as you confess

          It really is a religion designed to allow bad behaviour by anyone who knows the rules

    • @Frozengyro
      2711 months ago

      It’s quite the coincidence, many other highly religious countries tend to be extremely violent.

    • @[email protected]
      1611 months ago

      Ah but you see, statisticians are part of the conspiracy. Anyone with an education who can actually read and interpret trends is just in on it! I haven’t personally experienced a mass shooting, therefore my state is the safest in the nation!

      Either that or we simply aren’t Christian enough to ban all other religions yet and God tests his most faithful, yadda yadda

      God bless America everyone!

      • @[email protected]
        -611 months ago

        statisticians are part of the conspiracy

        I get what you’re saying, but also don’t forget to never trust a statistic you didn’t doctor yourself