The little Flammulated Owl looks a bit like a Screech Owl, but it’s actually the only member of its genus, Psiloscops. It was determined there were enough physical and genetic differences, as well as different vocalization patterns that it was removed from the genus Megascops that encompasses the screechies.

The Flammulated Owl also is migratory, unlike the Screech Owls. Their diet also mostly consists of insects, while screechies have a more diverse diet.

Photos by Alan de Queiroz

  • anon6789OP
    38 months ago

    They do look like tiny bear ears!

    Lots of great Owl Bear art out there! It’s a classic D&D monster, and I also see it’s featured in Baldur’s Gate 3 that came out this year.

    Once we get above puppy dog size, owls get scary pretty quickly!