• @magnusrufus
    111 months ago

    “You’re still talking about culture while referring yourself to heritage, how thick can you be?” My poor projecting dude, I’m not the thick one. The concepts of culture and heritage have a lot of overlap. If heritage can’t change then there is nothing that conservatives need to fight for because heritage can’t change. Let the progressives change culture and society all they like heritage can’t change and so for each subsequent generation heritage will forever be the same. This is part of the logical failure of your definition.

    “That heritage will not change, it will disappear little by little while culture change around it.” Removing incremental parts is change. Adding incremental parts is change. You are almost back to reality here.

    " I notice that you didn’t reply to my comment about the southern American heritage" ok cool.

    “do you think it has changed from the '800 or is it still the same racist construct it was 200 years ago?” I think it’s changed. I’ll preempt your dishonest next question/insinuation. Yes of course its still racist its just an evolved form that has similarities and differences from what it was back in…i’m guessing you’re trying to say the 1800s?

    “Keep telling you that, you might start believing it” pretty easy to believe in reality.

    “You haven’t considered that the culture around you has slightly changed from the past I see. That’s because you don’t understand the difference between heritage and culture and this is also the reason why we are having this conversation, but you are too prideful to accept my definitions and challenging them while also refusing to give your own. Scared of being proven wrong?” Sure I’ve considered culture changing around me. Culture and heritage both being capable of change are not a contradiction. Culture changing and being added to the existing heritage for future generations is how it works. I’ve clearly explained how your definition is at odds with the rest of humanity and with reality, that is sufficient basis to dismiss it.

    “Please prove this point, don’t just put it there without evidence to corroborate it” No other definition has heritage being immutable. If you claim that another shares that criteria then provide it. Please prove that no one else’s definition of weather includes the stipulation that weather is only when its raining.

    “My definition is like differentiating between weather and climate. They seem similar but if I state that “the weather hasn’t changed because yesterday was raining and today it’s raining too” is a correct statement. If, on the other hand, I’d say that “the climate hasn’t changed because yesterday was raining and today it’s raining too” I’d be wrong since climate is not related to a single couple of days but to a much larger time scale” Again you are almost back to reality. Let’s go with your misunderstanding of the weather example, we can make something useful of it. Weather/culture is much more volatile and changes quickly. Climate/heritage are charted over the course of much longer periods of time and are based on the long term trend of weather/culture. AND HOLY SHIT! Climate/heritage can change! Unless you are one of those troglodytes that claims climate change isn’t real. I’ll assume against all prior evidence that you are smart enough to understand that climate can and is changing. Weather being able to change, and change much more readily, doesn’t in any way stop climate from changing. In fact it is an inherent part of climate changing. Culture changing doesn’t in any way stop heritage from changing and in fact is an inherent part of heritage changing.

    “So we can assume that people talking about the same points over and over again without giving any merits to their beliefs are the cultured ones? I start to understand how you ended up being so lackluster in your debating skills” You are strutting about the chessboard stepping in your own shit.

    “You are confusing weather and climate like you confuse heritage and culture. A not very bright example from a not very bright mind, what else is there to say?” What is there to say? Well I could say that you were not bright enough to pick up on the fact that that was not about a relationship between weather and climate but rather giving an example of an internally consistent but fundamentally flawed definition that is detached from reality…like your definition of heritage.

    I’m sorry, I know I said I would assume to give you the benefit of a doubt but I gotta ask. Are you one of those idiots that thinks climate isn’t changing?