This fixes problems caused by a change to the API which meant that comments on posts retrieved via failed to load. Thanks to everyone who reported this via TestFlight!

Also includes preference for warning on posts with NSFW content, and trimming of excessively long post body text.

Available as usual at

  • @SoonerMagic
    21 year ago

    @[email protected], beautiful UI and very responsive. Best Lemmy app I’ve used so far. Love the layout. Feels very polished for a beta and is already my preferred way to browse. Excellent work.


    • “collapsed” or traditional non-card view of homepage.
    • when searching, there’s no X to quickly clear the search bar. I’ve just been highlighting and removing that way.
    • Limbo appOPM
      11 year ago

      Collapsed view is already implemented as a user setting in Liftoff! (see announcement post). Good call on the search.