• Melkath
    697 months ago

    My company paid over 10 million dollars for Infosys to implement oracle cloud.

    It has been 3 years of complete abject torture, misery, and failure.

    Infosys is an army of completely clueless, unqualified, and incompetent people on a revolving door.

    It’s like they make it a point to NEVER meet the requirements. They always find some convoluted round about lengthy manual process for everything they do.

    I have gotten to the point where any time I am roped into an Infosys project, I will do nothing but ask to see the code, and therein is the problem, even their most “seasoned senior developer” can’t produce the code because it doesn’t exist.

    They use janky point and click applications to “write code” for them, shove the code I to the oracle instance, break all of the existing code doing so, and repeat.

    Infosys is a scam.

    • talizorah
      357 months ago

      My company is a few years into an Infosys partnership. From the first meeting, we had people disappointed. All this time later we’re behind on every project, and spend more time arguing about payments and KPIs than actually getting work done.

      It’s easy to say your KPIs are green when you don’t measure anything of value, and really easy to say we owe you for services when you have no proof of services rendered.

      To learn they’re pretty anti-human and profit driven from the top down is just icing on the cake

    • @ikidd
      157 months ago


      Oracle Cloud

      What did they think was going to happen?

      • Melkath
        67 months ago

        I’m convinced Infosys kicked back 20% of the payment to the CIO.

        He is a complete con artist who has been bleeding the company dry for 5 years.

        • I Cast Fist
          57 months ago

          He is a complete con artist who has been bleeding the company dry for 5 years.

          Isn’t that a given of every C-level job?

      • Madrigal
        17 months ago

        I’d say Infosys is probably doing them a favour.

        • @ikidd
          47 months ago

          Having attempted to set up a paid infrastructure on Oracle and not being able to because their backend systems are shit and the support people there are idiots, I’d have to agree. I couldn’t get my tenant ID associated with a support contract, even after a continuous week of exploring every support option and talking to support rep after support rep on phone and chat. I just wound it up and moved on.