Shani Louk, who was kidnapped from the Nova music festival during Hamas' October 7 terrorist attacks, has been confirmed dead, according to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It is sadly the reality of the situation. Only someone fucked up can see that and the other videos from that day (example the slaughtered elderly at the bus stop etc) and think “Oh Hamas are the good guys.”
I think the number of people who think hamas are the good guys is infinitessimal compared to the number of people who think Israel shouldn’t be genocidal.
It is sadly the reality of the situation. Only someone fucked up can see that and the other videos from that day (example the slaughtered elderly at the bus stop etc) and think “Oh Hamas are the good guys.”
I think the number of people who think hamas are the good guys is infinitessimal compared to the number of people who think Israel shouldn’t be genocidal.
what the fuck did I just read! Israel military should indeed kill children, shouldn’t they? fucking bastard you are.
Heavily armed, full of advantages, but are there, behind their joysticks killing toddlers! What an army of piece of shit!
You might have misunderstood my comment.