• @Krudler
    18 months ago

    I’m not trying to elbow drop you but it truly was an impossible thing to suggest.

    I am now 49, and when I was 24 I decided to join an atheist club. It was my desire to be around like-minded people and make friends.

    I quickly realized the only thing we had in common was atheism. And I was saturated with irony, being among people who felt compelled to continually talk about how they don’t believe in something.

    • @Rhoeri
      -18 months ago

      True, but with proper moderation, this sub could have been a place to discuss the philosophy and finer nuance of atheism rather than just shitting on Christianity like a bunch of edgy teenagers.

      • @Krudler
        -18 months ago

        Alright I’m game! What do you think are some of the nuances that don’t have a chance to be explored to their potential?

        • @Rhoeri
          8 months ago

          Well, for starters-

          • the role of atheism in the workplace.

          • is atheism represented well in Hollywood?

          • What economical impact does atheism hold? Are we contributing enough to be recognized amongst other groups in comparison?

          • Where does atheism fit in on the world-stage of charitable donations. How can we improve this?

          • Related: How can atheists improve their image? What can we do as a collective?

          See? There’s five examples of mature discussions that could be had if people didn’t see this community as a trash receptacle for angsty teens to bash “tEh bAd cHriStiAnS.”

          • @Krudler
            -18 months ago

            Okay I’m waiting to hear your feelings on these subjects.

            • @Rhoeri
              -18 months ago

              Are you joking? There was a time where I would have. Now this community is a joke. It’ll be bombarded with shitpost responses.

              • @Krudler
                -18 months ago

                Wow you’re such an asshole, I’ve given you an opportunity to break outside of the “edgy teenager” you think you’re complaining about and all you can do is be a complete anus.

                You have an emotional problem you need to look at.

                • @Rhoeri
                  -18 months ago

                  Thanks for proving my point. Ad homonym is the “Reddit atheists” favorite weapon.