The Thai government has called for the release of all remaining citizens being held in Gaza. So far at least 33 Thai nationals have been killed, according to figures shared by Thai authorities with CNN – with 18 Thai nationals still being held hostage as of October 26.

  • NoneOfUrBusiness
    11 months ago

    I’m pretty sure that’s not true. Hamas has already tried that path, but Israel is out for blood. Netenyahu’s position is that the incursion should proceed even though it’ll kill hostages.

        • @gedaliyah
          1811 months ago

          I’m pretty well informed in the area, but willing to learn. Can you please link to information about any time since it’s inception that Hamas has offered peaceful relations with Israel?

          Israel has made peace with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Qatar, UAE, etc, often in exchange for Israel giving up land.

          • NoneOfUrBusiness
            -411 months ago

            Can you please link to information about any time since it’s inception that Hamas has offered peaceful relations with Israel?

            Well not really peaceful relations, but there were two ceasefires, one in 2008 and another in 2012, that Hamas followed in good faith until it was clear that Israel had no intention of doing that (the 2012 one they kept for more than a year). Both included Israel completely lifting the blockade, which they didn’t do no matter how long Hamas waited.

            BTW Hamas is uh… Hamas, but they changed their charter in 2017 to only demand a return to 1967 borders.

            • @gedaliyah
              511 months ago

              The 2017 Hamas charter reads:

              Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras al-Naqurah [Lebanon] in the north to Umm al-Rashrash [Eilat] in the south, is an integral territorial unit… Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. …There shall be no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity. …At the heart of these lies armed resistance.

              Which is nonetheless an improvement over the founding charter:

              Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims will kill them until the Jews hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and the stone or tree would say: “Muslim, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.”

              • NoneOfUrBusiness
                11 months ago

                There’s also this in the same document:

                Hamas considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus.

                • @gedaliyah
                  111 months ago

                  I know that. Do you think that this is evidence that

                  Hamas… changed their charter in 2017 to only demand a return to 1967 borders.

                  It is obviously not.

                  It only acknowledges that Hamas will not oppose such a plan if it is approved by the Palestinian people, along with the specific conditions listed. The document outlines that the long-term demand is irrevocably all of the land from The River To The Sea as a State of Palestine and no State of Israel whatsoever.

                  It’s unambiguous.

                  But you already saw that because you have read the document. I’m no longer addressing these comments to you, but to the people who’ve actually read this far in the thread and are interested in learning, rather than propaganda.

                  So let’s look at those specific conditions listed. According to the 2017 charter, who are the “refugees and the displaced?” You might reasonably think that refers to the 700,000 Palestinians who were displaced by the 1948 war. No, as the charter specifies, it is any of the 6.4 million people who can identify at least one Palestinian ancestor. That is over 60% of the current population of Israel. It includes third-generation Americans and Europeans. It includes most members of Hamas.

                  And what is Israel supposed to do with this 65% increase in population? Again, it’s specified in the charter. Israel must “return their homes,” meaning provide a physical house for every family at no cost. Additionally, Israel must pay unspecified reparations. There is no amount of reparations that would be acceptable in place of a physical house in Israel, nor any other tolerable location.

                  To reiterate, Hamas will temporarily recognize a Palestinian State within the 1967 borders

                  If and only if

                  Israel agrees to absorb 6.4 million people into a population of under 10 million (including members of Hamas), buy them each a house, pay them additional reparations, and give up any claim on Jerusalem or the 5 holiest sites in Judaism.

                  Again, this is not my opinion, it is all laid out in the charter itself.

                  The belief that Hamas is anything other than a terrorist organization intent on eliminating the only Jewish-majority state in the world, is just not borne out by any version of reality.

                  Meanwhile, Israel has peacefully turned over more land and resources than the entire current area of the State in exchange for peace with neighbors. Israel has offered Palestinian leaders nearly every inch of the land of Palestine, but every offer has been rejected by the Palestinian leaders. Don’t be confused by Propaganda.

                  • NoneOfUrBusiness
                    -111 months ago

                    Israel agrees to absorb 6.4 million people into a population of under 10 million (including members of Hamas),

                    I mean yes. Those are the descendants of the people who were displaced by Israel, and they have a right to return to their homes.

                    Israel has offered Palestinian leaders nearly every inch of the land of Palestine, but every offer has been rejected by the Palestinian leaders.

                    That’s misinformation. It’s a pain to list all of them, so if anyone bothered to read this far and is curious about why any specific offer failed, just ask. Hint: The answer is usually that Israel, not Palestine, refused to compromise.

    • @Son_of_dad
      311 months ago

      Why wouldn’t Israel be out for blood? America glassed entire countries when provoked, why did anyone think or expect Israel to just take the Oct 7 attack and shrug it off/not react? Fuck Hamas and their “peace attempts” after murdering festival goers and families.

      • @Bye
        1011 months ago

        America has never glassed any entire country, they’ve used exactly 2 nuclear bombs on one country and it was two cities, not the whole county.

        • @Shardikprime
          011 months ago

          Yeah but they way people talk about the USA online you would think they systematically genocided a whole race or glassed a country or something. And it’s not euphemisms. People write that shit as if they believed it sincerely

      • @Shardikprime
        311 months ago

        Also fuck leftists terrorists apologizers

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        011 months ago

        America glassed entire countries when provoked,

        And did it work? You’re implying the war on terror was anything more than a disaster.

        • @Son_of_dad
          11 months ago

          I’m saying it’s funny you want Israel to take an attack without reaction, after you’ve reaped the benefits of colonizing and fucking up entire natiions. Imagine if after 9/11, the Taliban had said “we want peace now”, would you or any other American have accepted their peace overture?

          • @rambaroo
            11 months ago

            Yeah I would since the Taliban had jack shit to do with 9/11. Bombing and invading them for 20 years accomplished absolutely nothing. The US isn’t any safer and Afghanistan is worse off.

            It’s actually a stupid question when you think about it. Would I save thousands of lives on both sides that were needlessly wasted? Yeah, I would. But you just want blood so you don’t give a fuck about hearing reason.

          • NoneOfUrBusiness
            111 months ago

            I’m from Egypt, so my country was on the other side of colonialism, but that’s irrelevant either way.

            Imagine if after 9/11, the Taliban had said “we want peace now”, would you or any other American have accepted their peace overture?

            The Taliban didn’t do 9/11, but that aside 9/11 and this attack are fundamentally different. A closer comparison would be terror attacks against Britain during the Troubles.

      • @[email protected]
        -111 months ago

        Fuck Israel for occupying Palestinian lands and bombing and killing innocent men, women and many many many children.