When one says something like “most scholars think x” or “the theory of y has not convinced many experts”, how is that actually determined? Are there polls conducted regarding different theories?

  • @lolola
    41 year ago

    I don’t think it’s an objective metric. Based on my experience, they talk amongst each other at research institutions, conferences, and through journal articles. If someone claims “most experts think x” when in reality most experts do not, then most experts hearing it will probably speak up about how wrong it is, shoot it down during peer review, or publish scathing critiques in response to it.

    A “most experts” proclamation that aligns with reality will also cite several prior publications that have also been read and cited widely, which shows the idea has kinda stood the test of time.

    Source: I been in the game a while, despite several attempts to escape. I do wonder if other fields have more objective approaches.