• 🐑🇸 🇭 🇪 🇪 🇵 🇱 🇪🐑
    328 months ago

    In a way this is even more respectful as it presents the meat in a unique and special way.

    Personally I think the more effort is out into food, on the condition it’s being eaten, the more respect you’re giving to the animal.

    • @[email protected]
      118 months ago

      Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Granted I also want to go the same way Diogenes wanted to

      When asked how he wished to be buried, he left instructions to be thrown outside the city wall so wild animals could feast on his body

        • @FastAndBulbous
          88 months ago

          Look up Tibetan sky burials. They just stick your corpse on a mountain and the vultures feast away.