Toyota Motor said on Wednesday it is raising the wages of nonunion U.S. factory workers just days after the United Auto Workers union won major pay and benefit hikes from the Detroit Three automakers.

Hourly manufacturing workers at top pay will receive a wage hike of about 9% effective on Jan. 1, the company confirmed. Other nonunion logistics and service parts employees are getting wage hikes.

The largest Japanese automaker also said it is cutting the amount of time needed for U.S. production workers to reach top pay to four years from eight years and increasing paid time off.

  • @1847953620
    388 months ago

    unionize anyway. This is just what happens when they’re scared. Logic says they did it hoping they would pay less in the end, by ensuring workers have less leverage to renegotiate things in the future.

    Individual workers will also have better protection from company misconduct and abuses (including wrongful termination) under a union.