Disney’s paying more than $8 billion for Comcast’s stake in Hulu.

  • @nowwhatnapster
    611 months ago

    Curious, I see most people complaining about this merger, but I have also seen the argument that there are too many streaming services with exclusive content. Wouldn’t this acquisition work towards consolidating content again under one subscription. Similar to how Netflix used to be the main player in the space before competition came along.

    I only have spotify at the moment. I used to Netflix and Hulu.

    • @edgemaster72
      1011 months ago

      The problem isn’t so much the number of streaming services as it is the fact that they’re all vertically integrating so each has their exclusive content and is the only game in town to get it. If production and distribution were broken up so that the same content were available from a number of competing platforms, it wouldn’t matter that there were “too many” because you wouldn’t feel like you needed them all to avoid missing out.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        A world where you could picked based on the user experience of the apps instead of slice of content? Sign me up. To hell with that HBO Max app.