Welcome! I look forward to growing this community is a healthy fashion. Please review the sidebar.

[email protected]

      42 years ago

      thank you! We’re doing it collectively. I’m looking forward to our further growth.

      • @Druidgrove
        62 years ago

        r/Aspiememes and r/Autism were both places that I really felt that others understood who I was and how I experienced life. it’s great that people are making their way over here!!

        • BOMBSOP
          42 years ago

          same! we’re doing it 😀

        • Raven FellBlade
          12 years ago

          Just discovered that my comment gets deleted as I type it if my phone switches screen layout, so let’s try this again: This has been my exact experience. I went from my kids jokingly saying “Yeah, I think Dad’s just autistic” to me finding the r/autism subreddit and relating way to hard with folks there, to discovering self-assessment RBQ-2, AQ, RAADS-R, SQ, EQ, and CAT-Q tests that all spelled things out plain as day, to my kids being like “Yeah, Dad. We were weren’t joking. We meant that you are actually, literally autistic”.

          I understand myself better because of r/autism, and I’ve learned to have more patience and understanding for myself. I’ve found my people.