A new report released Thursday says that privatization of health care in Ontario won’t reduce wait times but may actually increase them.

  • Nik282000
    2811 months ago

    Private health care opens -> Private offices offer better hours and/or better pay -> Doctors and nurses jump ship because everyone has bills to pay -> Pubic offices get even farther behind.

    Canada should be un-private-ing EVERY part of healthcare, not just the paying part. OHIP style where the govt. sets prices and pays for care but hospitals and doctors offices have to make enough to keep their lights on AND provide health care (and line pockets because private) is just stupid.

    • GingaNinga
      1711 months ago

      I’d love it if they did that to telecoms too, everything is so expensive. cost of living is quickly outweighing the benefits.

    • snooggums
      1111 months ago

      Plus private only offers better until public goes to shit, then private does whatever the fuck they want, which is prioritize the wealthy who will pay the most. Profits!