The British were once admired for their statesmanship and tolerance… all gone under Conservative leadership.

  • SbisasCostlyTurnover
    3411 months ago

    Is the plan here to just make the country so utterly shit that Labour have to spend their first stint back in charge undoing everything?

    • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2
      11 months ago

      I don’t think the new labour would help the situation m8 you’ll just be throwing more wood to the fire via voting Labour rn

      what I think the uk needs is a declaration of freedom of speech human rights and freedom of assembly for all that means this applies to you and me and people that you and me may dislike this law would apply to everyone. although this wouldnt help out with all the other problems that plague the uk rampent crime poverty etc although itll be a start. a good start the problem is most if not a all political parties wouldnt do this. out of self or political interest