9,227 – The number of Palestinians killed in Gaza.

144 – The number of Palestinians killed in the West Bank.

1,400 – The number of people killed in Israel.

24 – The number of Israeli soldiers killed since the start of the ground offensive.

23,516 – The number of Palestinians injured in Gaza.

2,200 – The number of Palestinians injured in the West Bank.

5,400 – The number of Israelis injured.

250,000 – The number of Israelis displaced.

More than 1.4 million – The number of Palestinians displaced in Gaza.

At least 241 – The number of soldiers and civilians being held hostage in Gaza.

5 – The number of hostages released or rescued.

421 – The number of aid trucks let into Gaza.

33,960 – The number of residential units destroyed in Gaza.

  • @AA5B
    111 months ago

    You’re assuming women can’t be soldiers or terrorists. It may not be as common but common enough that it’s a bad assumption.

    Every other article describes that half the population of Gaza is minors. If so, you could argue that half the innocent victims are likely children

    • TinyPizza
      411 months ago

      Israel says the group has about 30,000 fighters and an arsenal of rockets, including some with a range of about 250 kilometers (155 miles), and unmanned drones.
      2.5 million / 2 = 1.25 million / 30,000 = 41 2/3
      So roughly one out of every 40.
      10,000 dead would mean about 244 Hamas fighters dead if the distributions were equal
      let’s say they’re not, that they are targeted.
      If the number were quartered, that’s still 1/10 being killed. 9 civilians to 1 fighter death.

      • @AA5B
        111 months ago

        For sure, it’s a huge tragedy any way you try to look. This is not ok.

        I really only object to people claiming there’s a simple solution, because that’s not reality. There’s a lot of history of blood and carnage, and lots of blame in all directions. There’s a reason this region was historically the party of the world where World War III was most likely to start, and you’re not getting anywhere by saying “side x needs to stop doing y”