The Gaza director for the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees says the average Palestinian in Gaza is living on two pieces of Arabic bread made from flour that the U.N. had stockpiled in the region.

  • BabyWah
    11 months ago

    I can’t even with you. I cried when I saw those hostages taken and being murdered and am worried every day now we’ll start seeing those grueling beheadings. I’m human just like you. I’m not greenlighting what they did.

    Just stop killing civilians. That’s all we ask, treat them with the same dignity that you treat your own, maybe that way, you could’ve garnered some sympathy for your cause. Israel has gone too far with their vengeance, bloodlust and war crimes.

    You selectively forget you’re at war with Hamas but aren’t hurting them, but killing check 10.000 civilians against what? 5 Hamas members dead and 5 hostages freed (1 by Israel)? In what reality does that number justify the killing of so many civilians? In what reality can’t you see the long game being played here?