Bubba Copeland shot himself in front of police on Friday, days after he begged 1819 News not to expose his private life.

  • @SuddenlyBlowGreen
    211 months ago

    Telling that you’re not even trying to dispute it.

    When the time comes that you are on the other end of the blade, the people you despise will show you the exact same level of mercy you showed them.

    You got the sides wrong, champ. I’m on the end of the blade, and I’m this angry because people like you are holding the knife.

    People like you are exactly what’s wrong with this country

    People who dislike nazis are the ones that are wrong with this country?

    So that would mean, that in your view, the opposite (aka nazis and nazi supporters) are in the right.

    You just keep telling on yourself…

    You have some soul searching to do

    If I do, it won’t be because a nazi apologist told me to.

    if you find that you still have the same anger and hatred in your heart, you will never find true happiness

    That’s funny coming from your kind.

    Tell you what. I’ll stop having anger in my heart when you stop trying to exterminate people like me.

    • @havokdj
      11 months ago

      people like you

      Who am I exactly with? Do you even know? Or are you making assumptions because you’re an angry piece of shit redditor who walked to the wrong platform to spout the bullshit that you are?

      more dumb unrelated shit about “nazi apologists”

      Would you please shut the fuck up about the Nazis? The words I am reading from your post are legitimately the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever seen on the internet.


      You don’t even know who I’m with, stop kidding yourself. You seem to still have a lot of growing up to do. Stop being a fucking baby ffs. Ironically the fact that you see things in black and white makes you similar to the Nazis.

      • @SuddenlyBlowGreen
        -111 months ago

        I see you’re pretty about getting called out. Oh well, next time don’t be a nazi apologist.

        • @havokdj
          111 months ago

          Sounds more like you lack the intelligence to hold your own in a conversation so you’re reaching for the “you’re a nazi” card.

          You realize you’re basically calling everyone who lived in Germany from the late 30’s to mid 40’s a Nazi, right? You realize how smoothbrained that is.

          If you can generalize a group of people and say “they’re all basically the same” then where does that end? Do you think all Italians are the same? What about Britons? Considering the fact that you’re basically saying that all Germans from that time period are Nazis just because they lived in a country run by the Nazi party, that sounds an awful lot like racism to me.