A second teacher at a high school in Missouri was put on leave after administrators discovered her OnlyFans side hustle.

Megan Gaither, 31, said during an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that she was placed on leave from her English teaching and varsity cheerleading coach position on Oct. 27 after district officials found out about her account on the OnlyFans platform.

  • Rose56
    -77 months ago

    Thats what they all say “I did it because my (insert job), had very low income, I had also a loan to pay back” and then they keep posting content!

    I don’t know about you guys, but its sounds and feels weird, to know that a teacher has onlyfans. In the end if she wanted, she could quit from school, and continue with her only fans, but guess what? is not enough and naughty!

    • @SalamendaciousOP
      17 months ago

      Take the only fans out of the equation. I personally know a lot of educators who work two jobs during the year. Bottom line teachers and aides do not make enough money.