• @rip_art_bell
    211 months ago

    This will make downtown much nicer and outer neighborhoods (like Lents) much crappier, because there’s no way this is going to be enforced evenly

    • @jordanlundOP
      311 months ago

      Definitely. First priority will be outside city council homes.

      Last priority will be Foster/Powell/Division.

    • @thisisawayoflife
      11 months ago

      People have to be on the ball reporting it. I report cars I think suspicious as abandoned (9/10 they are) and campsites the same day I see them post up.

      • @rip_art_bell
        211 months ago

        I lived in SE Portland for years. There was a psychotic person camping on our street who me and neighbors reported many, many times. Police did stop by a couple times to offer her a women’s shelter or a hotel room, but she refused. So I mean, reporting is good and all, but it’s clearly not enough.

        • @thisisawayoflife
          111 months ago

          Oh I get it, things were especially bad when Jo Ann Hardesty, and her predecessor Chloe Eudaly, were in charge of PBOT. They would simply deprioritize or not respond to those reports at all. Had our coward mayor just removed them from PBOT leadership things wouldn’t have been as bad for as long.

          Nowadays, PBOT responds within 2-3 days. You can see on the city’s arcgis map where reports are, how long they’ve been there and how many duplicate reports there are.