I’m in the middle of an emotional breakdown. I haven’t been properly medicated or had effective therapy in almost a year because of not having insurance. I had gotten a job last September and moved to a different state, so lost my state sponsored insurance, and wasn’t there long enough to get insurance. It took me until last month to find another job and I’ve moved to yet another state for it. This is all to say that I’ve been under a lot of stress, my anxiety high, and depression pretty bad since I lost my insurance. On Thursday my anxiety went higher than it has in years and has not come down. I have no support network. I’m not looking for advice. Just some kind words.

  • 108beadsM
    42 years ago

    Kind words and love to you, dear soul. Be well. I know serious anxiety well; my partner struggles with it. I’ve also watched skanky docs prescribe meds, then disappear into the woodwork when refill time came around. There is nothing you’ve done “wrong.” You will get through this. Don’t believe everything your mind tells you to believe.