• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Employers want it both ways. They do not want taxes. So pay tory to run and cut services well past the bone. Meaning the gov tries to force long term sick ( and disabled) back to work.

    Employers do not want to hire long term siick or disabled. Honestly dispite all the laws. The vast majority of work places do not want employees who need time off or support. They will just not admit that is why they hire someone else.

    A d come on be honest. If you run a big corperation. Have 2 potential employees. 1 who is more likely to be reliable time wise. Dose not require the company to make reasonable accommodation. Mainly at the company expense. As the gov only covers a small amount. And dose not have to make regular appointments to seek medical care.

    Well if you say you’d not want to avoid the more expensive option. You really don’t understand how corps work and won’t run yours for long. Capatalism dose not work that way.

    It is a simple unplesent fact. Sick and disabled people are only wanted whe forced or they have unique abilities that sell.

    My brother and I are both disabled.