Maybe I have sensitive gums or something like that, but eating the cereal right after I add the milk makes my mouth hurt.

  • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
    148 months ago

    Upvoted for unpopular! If it gets soggy it’s no longer edible, and it means I took too long to eat it.

    • ares35
      48 months ago

      the war between milk and cereal is a series of small skirmishes, not a big epic battle. a little cereal, a little milk. a little more cereal to finish off the milk. a little more milk because you put in too much cereal. and repeat until either the box or the jug is empty.

      • IndiBrony
        28 months ago

        Pour cereal directly into mouth. Add milk. Swallow. 👍

        • ivanafterall
          18 months ago

          I’m not an animal. I dig it out a handful at a time, shovel it into my mouth hole, swig of milk, repeat.

      • @moistclump
        18 months ago

        You know what I do? Pour a bowl of milk and then only add in a couple spoonfuls of cereal at a time. No risk of sogginess and no concerns about the ratios.

        Life changing.