Don’t call yourself pro-LGBT if you support an Ideology that advocate for killing gay people. Muslims are not pro-LGBT, and they wait to be the majority in the west and ban Gay marriage, decriminalize homosexuality… It’s about time. Let’s not forget that Islam is Anti-women, so dear western feminists wake up! I live in a Muslim country and there is a rise of extremism here, but westerners are busy making a whole moth against Islamophobia which is not real.

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  • @paddirn
    211 months ago

    I feel like it’s not so much “pro-Islam” as it is more wanting to help immigrants, the poor, and a persecuted religious group (in the West at least), which Western Muslims are more likely to tick all of these boxes. Western Liberals overwhelmingly want to help these groups, whether out of genuine compassion or as an evolution of “the white man’s burden”, it’s hard to say, but Muslims tend to fall into categories of people that Liberals try to champion, even if they themselves don’t support Islam.

    Many Westerners probably see Islam as a fairly violent and extreme faith and in the US we’ve seen times where it bit Liberals in the ass for trying to help. There was one town that voted for a Muslim city council, with help from liberals, only to have this same city council enact a ban on Pride flags (Hamtramck, MI). Islamic teachings are really not compatible with Western Liberal/Progressive movements. On the one hand, we should try to fight persecution and discrimination wherever we see it, but on the other, we have to recognize that Muslims are guilty of these very same things themselves.