Невимовний біль і важка втрата для Збройних Сил України і для мене особисто.
Сьогодні за трагічних обставин у свій День народження у родинному колі загинув мій помічник і близький друг, майор Геннадій Частяков. В одному із подарунків спрацював невідомий вибуховий пристрій. У Геннадія залишилися дружина та четверо дітей. Мої глибокі співчуття родині…
З початку повномасштабного вторгнення Геннадій був для мене надійним плечем, повністю присвятивши своє життя Збройним Силам України і боротьбі з російською агресією.
Причини та обставини будуть встановлені в ході досудового розслідування.
Вічна памʼять!
Source: https://t.me/CinCAFU/597
More information from law enforcement officers on the tragedy with Chastyakov.
The details of the death of Zaluzhny’s assistant Gennady Chastyakov, who died from a hand grenade as a result of an accident, have emerged.
According to law enforcement sources, the grenades were part of a “gift set” presented to him on his birthday by his colleague, Colonel Timchenko. He has already testified that he himself decided to make such a gift, placing a bottle of “Black Label” whiskey and 6 pomegranates in a wooden box.
This was confirmed by three witnesses during which the colonel handed over the gift. He even said to Chastyakov: “It’s hard to surprise you - that’s why I’m giving you combat grenades and a bottle of good whiskey.”
Obviously, Chastyakov took it as a joke. Because later he took the children from school and began to sort out gifts with them. He thought that in the box were not combat grenades, but glasses of a specific shape.
By the way, Timchenko kept two grenades for himself. The photo shows how they look. Journalist Andrii Tsaplienko.
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Read the update, it was an accident caused by a moronic gift and misunderstanding.
Looks like it was an unfortunate accident. A friend had gifted him grenades and he thought they were fake (it was a model he was unfamiliar with).