Thought I’d try and get some traction here.

Jets fan because I started watching them when they came back into the league and loved their vibe. Before that liked Pittsburgh and San Jose cos I was 6 when I saw them on tv at my hockey loving cousins house.

Soft spot for Seattle, Minnesota, Isles and Boston (minus Marchand).

  • @Just__FF
    37 months ago

    Canes. Originally from Wisconsin and without a hockey team the sport never appealed to us. Moved to Raleigh when the team was mediocre so tickets were cheap. Got season tickets and made friends based on the sport and team.

    • @[email protected]OP
      47 months ago

      Question, do Canes ever play the brass bonanza song in honour of the old Whalers?

      I like how they totally embraced the jerks thing, turned an insult into something positive.

      • @Just__FF
        47 months ago

        So every year they do have a Whalers night with throwback jerseys. On those nights they do Brass Bonanza as the goal song.

        • @[email protected]OP
          37 months ago

          I love it! In the UK we did the playoffs over one weekend down in London in the 90’s and that was the goal sound, unlocks some core memories right there.