• XIIIesq
    11 months ago

    Right. It’s about incentives. I’m not going to work harder for more hours, but offer me more money or less hours and let’s talk.

    • @NocturnalMorning
      111 months ago

      I used to think the same thing. But it turns out, we’ve all been convinced into being wage slaves our entire lives for jobs that don’t really matter.

      Funny enough, the least skilled jobs that we found out are the most important during the pandemic are the ones nobody wants to pay well for.

      What’s even more ironic is that we’ve been convinced to do all of this while destroying the planet and every ecosystem on it.

      One day we’ll wake up and be old, and realize we spent our entire life working instead of doing the things that are actually important in life.

      You know, that, or the climate will break down, not sure which one will happen first since climate breakdown is happening faster every year.

      • XIIIesq
        11 months ago

        Speak for yourself. I work as an electrician at a hydropower plant. I suppose you could debate whether my job role matters or not, but if you like that your kettle, TV, phone and everything else that requires electricity works, then I think you’d be hard pushed.

        I do agree strongly that some of the worst paid jobs are the most valuable. One of the best things to come out of the pandemic was a big push for unionism and I hope it stays that way.

        Unfortunately in our current society, we need to work. I quite like the idea of not being destitute when I reach retirement age. I’d love to spend all my time following my passions but I need to be realistic.

        The climate problem is interesting. Some countries are moving towards being CO2 neutral. I hope that others will follow them and it won’t be too late.

        • @NocturnalMorning
          111 months ago

          Speak for yourself.

          I’m an aerospace engineer, and my role is critical to the success of our project. Actually, I haven’t worked a professional job where that wasn’t the case. You’re not going to change my mind about how our society is structured. We’ve all been duped into participating in a system that is pushing us to extinction, and it’s insane

          • XIIIesq
            111 months ago

            I could argue that we’d get by without planes. There are many much more environmentally friendly modes of travel.

            Now you tell me how we get by without electricity, especially from sources that are environmentally friendly.

              • XIIIesq
                11 months ago

                Your being facetious and not arguing in good faith.

                We could get by in our modern lives with very little impact to the average persons life with no planes.

                • @NocturnalMorning
                  111 months ago

                  I’m not being facetious. And I don’t work on planes. We lived without electricity until the early 20th century.

                  • XIIIesq
                    111 months ago

                    This argument is quite pointless and not really going anywhere