- Keychron Q8 Pro
- Gazzew U4Tx + a couple of Kailh Box Navy switches
- MTNU Beige keycaps (lovely new profile, GMK made double-shot PBT, expensive - even more due to Colemak)
I bought the keyboard immediately when I found out they made a BT version of the Q8 (I use a Q10 daily at the office), as I was looking for an iPad compatible one. Very happy with it!
You mean the keyboard layout (Alice) or the keymap layout (Colemak)?
I mean the keymap. So Colemark it is. Thanks!
You’re welcome! More specifically, ColemakDH ;) Resources:
Actually it’s thought for touch typing, but having the correct legends helps sometimes and it’s just nice.
Sold on the concept but like, what’s the transition like really? Have your muscles forgotten qwerty at all?
Yes I indeed forgot QWERTY after these few months exclusively using Colemak! But I never learned touch typing with QWERTY to begin with, so there’s that. I read that you can train and keep both layouts memorised, but I just went all in. Who knows if I will ever have to learn QWERTY again in the future, I for sure hope not :)