Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a Monday address that it is “not the right time for elections” in Ukraine as the end of his five-year term approaches. Zelensky argued in his Mo…
I have mixed feelings about this. Yeah he is right, but that is a slippery slope. I want to believe that he genuinely means the best for his country. It is just too easy to start believing that you know better than anyone else. At the same time election mis/disinformation could be a real problem too and not what Ukraine needs right now.
I have mixed feelings about this. Yeah he is right, but that is a slippery slope. I want to believe that he genuinely means the best for his country. It is just too easy to start believing that you know better than anyone else. At the same time election mis/disinformation could be a real problem too and not what Ukraine needs right now.