51 subscribers!

  • @books
    48 months ago

    Because this community popped up in my c/all and I thought it was funny that you were celebrating 51 users, when the leader of the ‘conservative’ movement had more felony indictments than you do users.

    Which, in my mind is funny.

    Don’t get me wrong, I use to be a conservative, but that fucking muppet headed dildo ruined a good thing.

    • ThrowawayOPM
      -58 months ago

      That doesn’t even make sense, you used to be conservative then trump happened? You changed your beliefs because someone who shared some of them was a knobhead?

      • @books
        28 months ago

        Populism =! Conservatism

        Just because the dude has an R in front of his name, doesn’t mean he’s actually a republican. He’s turned the party into an embarrassing shit show. the GOP deserves all the L’s they’ve been receiving.

        • ThrowawayOPM
          -48 months ago

          Okay, but the question remains, you changed your beliefs because of that?

          • @books
            28 months ago

            I didn’t change a thing, the party left me for populist bullshit.

            • ThrowawayOPM
              -38 months ago

              If thats true, you’d still be a conservative in some capacity.

              • @books
                28 months ago

                Oh I’m still conservative, more so libertarian, but not part of this shit show.

                This group of ass holes is far from my wet dream.