Despite some initial challenges this is going pretty well now! This is about half of the moon behind some of the castle towers, and those empty blobs at the top will eventually be clouds lol

    • Io Sapsai 🌱M
      511 months ago

      a blurry grainy photo of a pigeon in a cage

      Meet Domino. Disappointing pic but that’s the best my partner could take at twilight with an almost dead phone. I think it really likes my old pullover that I was intending on throwing away. Its wing is bruised/hurt and the leg is broken. Vet said it’s not going to make it in the wild with that leg but it might fly again. He said the best I could do is adopt it. The poor thing probably won’t fly outside without a leash and supervision though.

      As much as I love cats, I hate it when owners let their cats roam outside. They prey on birds for sport, not for food. I know exactly whose cat did it, that’s why I’m salty. It’s not the first time he’s done that. Also I have a cat at home which might make things interesting. So far he’s shown curiosity but not predator behaviour as he does with other birds. Not going to risk it though!